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文章出处: 人气: 发表时间:2024-07-26 04:29
本文摘要:Apple is to open a research lab in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, according to Tim Cook, its chief executive, as it seeks to boost sales in the country and improve ties with the authorities.据苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)讲解,苹果将在中国南方城市深圳开办一个研发实验室。

Apple is to open a research lab in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, according to Tim Cook, its chief executive, as it seeks to boost sales in the country and improve ties with the authorities.据苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)讲解,苹果将在中国南方城市深圳开办一个研发实验室。目前苹果企图提振在中国的销售,并提高与中国当局之间的关系。Beijing has been encouraging foreign technology companies to carry out more high-end work on the mainland as part of efforts to revitalise local industry.中国政府仍然在希望外国高科技企业在中国内地积极开展更高端的工作,作为大力发展国内产业希望的一部分。

It will be Apple’s second facility in China. It already has a new research and development facility in Beijing.该实验室将是苹果在中国创建的第二个研究机构。苹果在北京早已有了一个新的研发机构。The two RD centres were “aimed at strengthening relationships with local partners and universities as we work to support talent development across the country”, Apple said in a statement.苹果在一份声明中回应,“在我们在中国各地希望反对人才发展之际,(两个研发中心)目的强化与当地合作伙伴和大学的联系”。A closer relationship with the Chinese authorities has been a priority following setbacks for the US technology company this year.这家美国高科技企业在今年遭遇多起挫折后,提高与中国当局的关系出了首要任务。

It lost a copyright infringement lawsuit against a Chinese company that was using the iPhone trademark on accessories.该公司赢了一宗侵害版权的法律诉讼,被告是一家在服饰产品上用于IPHONE商标的中国企业。A block on the group’s iTunes video service, meanwhile, appears to have been relaxed.与此同时,对该集团iTunes视频服务的屏蔽或许早已放开。The iPhone has been losing market share to high-end handsets made by local competitors including Huawei, Vivo and Oppo, which topped the rankings in the second quarter, while Apple languished in fifth place, according to Canalys data.根据Canalys的数据,iPhone仍然在被中国国内竞争对手生产的高端手机夺去市场份额。

这些竞争对手还包括华为(Huawei)、Vivo和Oppo,它们在第二季度的销量名列中名列前三,而苹果则落在了第五位。Analysts said the announcement of the RD centre was Mr Cook’s latest attempt to gain favour with Beijing, following the US group’s $1bn investment in Didi Chuxing, the Chinese car-hailing company, in May.分析师们回应,宣告成立该研发中心是库克夺得中国政府好感的近期企图。

此前,这家美国集团曾在今年5月向中国叫车软件公司滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing)投资10亿美元。Apple has had to change its approach in China as it faces rising nationalism and high-quality local competition, according to Ge Jia, a tech blogger, who wrote yesterday: “It’s time for Apple to cast aside their pride.”技术博主葛佳(音)称之为,面临日益加剧的民族主义及高品质的中国国内竞争,苹果被迫转变在中国的运营方式。昨天,葛佳写到:“苹果是时候放下架子了。”“Their previous strategy of only selling devices to China without leaving anything behind is not working any more and they are starting their process of localisation in China through [the Shenzhen lab].”“他们此前只在中国买设备、而不留给其他任何东西的战略仍然有效地。

他们于是以通过(深圳的实验室)启动在中国的本地化进程。”Mr Cook announced the plan during discussions with senior city officials at a local innovation event, according to a report in the Shenzhen Economic Daily.根据《深圳商报》的一则报导,库克是在当地一个创意活动中与深圳市高官磋商时宣告该计划的。




